Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Leaving TODAY!

I don't think the reality has hit me yet...I leave in less than 2 hours! Thinking back, t was nearly a year ago that I first decided I was going to Ghana in August of 2009. I heard about this trip even before I started school at Grand Valley and knew immediately it was something I wanted to pursue. The service work, instead of a the "regular" study abroad is what first pulled me in. I have always had the desire to go to a developing country and see the "reality" of the world around me. I've been stuck in the little "West Michigan Box" my entire life, and I really wanted a slap in the face to see what the world is really like. I know one thing: West Michigan is definitely not the reality. I think I read a statistic once and it said: if you have a roof over your head, food to eat, and a few spare coins in your wallet, you are better off than 99% of the world. This thought is so scary to me! How could most of our society seriously just sit back and pretend that the world is so nice and perfect outside this little area and especially outside the U.S.??! Although, that's probably how I still think/act like right now...I have never known any better. That is why I am going: I want a touch of reality.

Also, I don't want to just "experience" this trip either, but I want to learn from the people in this country and, hopefully, change some of my messed up perceptions on "normal." I want adopt their positive attitudes when they live on barely anything (in American standards) and, hopefully, begin to change my typical selfish and sheltered American mindset. I want to stop thinking about "me me me" all the time and begin to think of others ahead of myself. From what I've read, these people are generally humble, selfless, and optimistic. I am probably pretty close to the opposite, as our most Americans. I desperately want to change that, and I think introducing myself to this new and strange culture will give me that "kick in the butt" that I want, no need, so badly.

Well, I will stop my rambling soon. But one last thought...I want to grow closer to God during this journey as well. One thing West Michigan has taught me is how important He is in my life. I can't expect to go to a completely new country and genuinely change selfish ways without God guiding me through it. He is the one that has shown me how screwed up and sinful I am (we all are) to begin with. As far as I've heard, Ghana is a pretty "Christian society" and I can't wait to witness His presence in the people there. Although our group will be doing different service projects, I honestly think we will get out of this trip much more than we could ever put into it. I pray that I will. I not only want to witness the real world, but learn from it and come back ready to do something about it.

I don't want this trip to be some sort of "vacation," because it's not. As much as I try to pretend, things will not go perfectly and I will probably not be "comfortable," but that's the beauty of a challenge and change. I think that is what will make this trip so much more significant than the typical "study abroad." I am not here to soak in more laziness and to simply "enjoy myself." I want a challenge. I want it to be another step in my walk with God and take full advantage of it's truths. If I can even begin to get rid of my selfish mind frame, then I have made progress. The real challenge will be to keep working at it even after I get home...this I am holding myself accountable for and cannot wait to get started!

There is only an hour and a half now until I leave.

Bring it on!

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