Hey everyone. I just wanted to give a quick update of the school we are tryin to build. Here's a quick summary of this project...
Over this past year, I have gotten involved with a new nonprofit organization called Sankofa out of Grand Rapids, MI and they want to help build a career academy in Ghana next year. This summer, I will be traveling back with their director, Jess Emelander, to plan the details of this academy. We already have land to build on and are partnering with a school in Ghana called Challenging Heights, which rescues children from child-slavery. If everything goes as planned, we hope to start construction on the school by next winter.
Checkout out Sankofa's website at www.sankofaca.org
This link explains my background in greater detail--> Ghana support letter 2011
I could never be able to go through with this trip alone. So I am asking for your support as a friend with
1) prayer- keep this group in your prayers! We can't do this without God's lead
2)networking-do you know anyone that could help us out with anything? The more assistance the better!
3)financial- I have to raise $2700 by the end of May for flight and all expenses while we are there (but mainly flight b/c living is so cheap)
If you would like to donate online, the website is www.apualumni.com/owmgive , click "Donate" and specify the "Ghana Resource" team.
If you could help in any of these areas, I would be so greatful.
If you have any thoughts whatsoever, please email me at carlskal@mail.gvsu.edu, or call, or FB. Feel free! I would love to hear your ideas.
One last thought: This trip is not supposed to be about me. My goal is to help make difference in these people's lives by making an education possible. This is something that God has set on my heart and I am just following the opportunity to help.
Thanks for taking the time to read this! And for all or any support big or small. Seriously, it means the world to me :)